Home Health and Wellness How Many Calories Are in an Apple? The Real Count Revealed !

How Many Calories Are in an Apple? The Real Count Revealed !

How Many Calories Are in an Apple? The Real Count Revealed !

It’s hard to beat the humble apple when it comes to a convenient, tasty and versatile fruit choice. But how many of us have ever stopped to consider the caloric content of this staple snack ? In this article, we’ll uncover just how many calories are in an apple, examine the differences between varieties, and explore whether apples are friend or foe in weight loss.

Calories in an Apple: the Exact Tally

The Average Caloric Value

An average small apple, according to available data, contains roughly between 50 and 60 Kcal. The lion’s share of these calories stem from the apple’s natural sugars. Typically, an apple is made up of 85-90% water.

Size matters

This caloric value can fluctuate based on the size and variety of the apple. For instance, a medium-sized apple weighing around 150grams could contain between 70 and 95 calories, while a smaller, approximately 100gram apple might have around 52 calories.

As we delve deeper into these figures, let’s see if different varieties bring any change to the table.

Different Apple Varieties and Their Caloric Contribution

Fuji Apples

A classic favorite among many for its sweet flavor and crunchy texture, a medium-sized Fuji apple brings in somewhere between 90 – 110 calories.

Golden Delicious Apples

Slightly less calorific than its Fuji counterpart but every bit as scrumptious. A medium Golden Delicious ranges from 70 – 80 calories.

Granny Smith Apples

Renowned for their tart taste, granny Smith apples of medium size carry 70 – 80 calories, mirroring the Golden Delicious.

As we can see, variety does bring slight variation to the caloric content. Now, let’s consider how apples factor into weight loss.

Apples and Weight Loss: friend or Foe ?

Dietary Fiber and Weight Management

Apples are a rich source of dietary fiber. Consuming them could help you feel full without packing on too many calories, making them an excellent choice for those keeping an eye on their weight.

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Nutrient-Rich and Low in Calories

Despite being low in calories, apples pack a punch when it comes to essential nutrients. This combination makes them an ideal food choice when trying to shed a few pounds.

While they might be favorable for weight-loss, let’s not forget about the nutritional benefits apples offer.

Nutritional Contributions and Health Benefits of Apples

Vitamin Content

Eating an apple with its skin brings with it 14% of your daily vitamin A requirement and 11% of your vitamin C need. These vitamins play key roles in maintaining healthy bodily functions.

Antioxidant Properties

The antioxidants found within apples help combat damages from free radicals. In turn, this could lower risks linked to diseases and aging.

So there we have it. Far more than just being a convenient snack, the humble apple packs quite a nutritional punch while keeping the calorie count relatively low. Whether you’re watching your weight or seeking healthful snack options, it seems that – as far as apples are concerned – you really can’t go wrong !

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